Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, February 25, 2011

Life as it is...

Wow! I NEED to get better at posting more frequently than I am!! A lot goes on from week to week even though the majority is the same tasks repeating themselves over, and over, and over... (you get the picture!:)

Miss K turned four months last Sunday! Really hard to believe it's already been four months! I would have thought that would have been long enough to get the pre-baby body back but NOPE not even close. I like to tell myself it's because I had an almost ten pounder in there!:)

With turning four months Sassy Pants had her shots this week! Poor baby...she was so happy in the Dr's office...she didn't know what was coming. She did very well though and other than being a little cranky that evening she was great! She was 25 1/2 inches long (88 percentile) and 12 lbs. 13 oz. (29 percentile). Lower in weight but the Dr. didn't seem to concerned. She is a long, lean lady with chubby wubby cheekies!:) BIG thing this week is she rolled over for the first time. Just once though...hasn't repeated it yet. It's like she checked that off the list of things to do and hasn't looked back!:)

I know I have said this before but I am still in utter awe of the fact that Kinsleigh is Stewart's and my little girl. I literally look at her everyday and think "I can't believe she's mine"! I literally can't believe that after everything we went through to get pregnant, I actually carried her for nine months and gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl (c-section). God is truly doing a number on my heart and faith in HIM! Without HIM it wouldn't have been possible!

I want to freeze time so I can experience each age over and over. Too bad you can't!:) I tell Stewart all the time that I miss her. His practical say it like it is self says well she's asleep in her room. I say I know but I miss her when she was newborn, 6 weeks old, yesterday, etc. I guess I miss the baby she was that day or something. I don't know, I guess it's a mom thing.... She sure has stolen my heart forever!!!!

Well, enough of my ramblings. Must get ready to head out to Target and a few other errands when Miss K wakes up. I am trying to become a Coupon lady (dear Lord help me) and therefore I must go pick up some items at Target that are about to cost me next to nothing. It's fun but really takes a lot of time that I don't have right now. BUT, I am going to try.

Have a fabulous weekend all who may venture to read my ramblings! Hopefully the sun will shine!

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