Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 15, 2010

And....Im still pregnant!!!!:)

Well, here I am a day shy of 39 weeks and I'm still pregnant. Little Miss Sassy Pants seems to be a bit on the stubborn side!:) She apparently really likes her current residence and does NOT want to come out. All well...all in God's perfect timing!

I'm still on bed rest so that has really gotten old, but this to shall pass and I know it won't last forever. My wonderful sister came to see me this week and brought my little rays of sunshine, Sydni and Luke. They all three stayed a night with us and my precious sister cleaned my house for me. She is such an amazing sister! I don't know what I would do without her. She really does too much!

Stewart does so much for me as well. I am a truly blessed woman. He is such an amazing and caring hubby and has made this mini bump in the road seem not so bad!:) Im truly blessed to have such a wonderful family who loves and cares for me. We are all just anxiously waiting this little diva's arrival!

I will try my hand at posting a pic or two that my sis took of me in all of my glory while she was here. Yes my belly is HUGE! It's getting quite uncomfortable to carry around but Kinsleigh is so worth the effort!:) Hopefully, when I add a new post I will have more news or maybe even pics of our sweet baby girl!!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful and fun filled weekend!! Happy, Happy Fall!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Sittin on my derrière and blog design...

Hello bloggy world....

For those followers I do have (which I love and really appreciate you taking the time to read about my life!:) you may have noticed a background change in my blog. I LOVED the original background, however I noticed the text color was really hard to read and when I tried to change it well that didn't work so well because it is a pre-fabbed thing. So, here is my next fav. Not as beautiful and festive as the first but a little easier to read.

So, I sit here "being a couch potato" and trying really hard to be good. This is REALLY for the birds but I realize how important it is. Thank the Lord I am not on STRICT bed rest and can still get up to do a few simple tasks like a load of laundry and such. I will be 37 weeks tomorrow which apparently is considered "full term" so we will see what happens!! Im getting really excited and a little anxious to meet this little princess.

Other than that not a whole lot is going on. I watch the hours tick by as I sit, and sit, and sit, and maybe lay down, and then sit some more!:) I really need to figure out how to post pics on this thing. That is on my to do list for today.

On a different note, the weather is absolutely fabulous and Im thinking a chiminea night is in the works for this weekend. That will be a good change of scenery for me!:) I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and enjoy this beautiful weather. I LOVE Fall! It's truly the best time of the year. It's like God saves some of the deepest and richest colors in the color palette and paints the outdoor world the glimmering, crisp landscape that we think of as Autumn. L.O.V.E. it! Thank you God for the beauty that you give us to see, taste, smell and experience. Breathtaking!

Happy Fall my fellow blogsters!