Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 15, 2010

And....Im still pregnant!!!!:)

Well, here I am a day shy of 39 weeks and I'm still pregnant. Little Miss Sassy Pants seems to be a bit on the stubborn side!:) She apparently really likes her current residence and does NOT want to come out. All well...all in God's perfect timing!

I'm still on bed rest so that has really gotten old, but this to shall pass and I know it won't last forever. My wonderful sister came to see me this week and brought my little rays of sunshine, Sydni and Luke. They all three stayed a night with us and my precious sister cleaned my house for me. She is such an amazing sister! I don't know what I would do without her. She really does too much!

Stewart does so much for me as well. I am a truly blessed woman. He is such an amazing and caring hubby and has made this mini bump in the road seem not so bad!:) Im truly blessed to have such a wonderful family who loves and cares for me. We are all just anxiously waiting this little diva's arrival!

I will try my hand at posting a pic or two that my sis took of me in all of my glory while she was here. Yes my belly is HUGE! It's getting quite uncomfortable to carry around but Kinsleigh is so worth the effort!:) Hopefully, when I add a new post I will have more news or maybe even pics of our sweet baby girl!!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful and fun filled weekend!! Happy, Happy Fall!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Sittin on my derrière and blog design...

Hello bloggy world....

For those followers I do have (which I love and really appreciate you taking the time to read about my life!:) you may have noticed a background change in my blog. I LOVED the original background, however I noticed the text color was really hard to read and when I tried to change it well that didn't work so well because it is a pre-fabbed thing. So, here is my next fav. Not as beautiful and festive as the first but a little easier to read.

So, I sit here "being a couch potato" and trying really hard to be good. This is REALLY for the birds but I realize how important it is. Thank the Lord I am not on STRICT bed rest and can still get up to do a few simple tasks like a load of laundry and such. I will be 37 weeks tomorrow which apparently is considered "full term" so we will see what happens!! Im getting really excited and a little anxious to meet this little princess.

Other than that not a whole lot is going on. I watch the hours tick by as I sit, and sit, and sit, and maybe lay down, and then sit some more!:) I really need to figure out how to post pics on this thing. That is on my to do list for today.

On a different note, the weather is absolutely fabulous and Im thinking a chiminea night is in the works for this weekend. That will be a good change of scenery for me!:) I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and enjoy this beautiful weather. I LOVE Fall! It's truly the best time of the year. It's like God saves some of the deepest and richest colors in the color palette and paints the outdoor world the glimmering, crisp landscape that we think of as Autumn. L.O.V.E. it! Thank you God for the beauty that you give us to see, taste, smell and experience. Breathtaking!

Happy Fall my fellow blogsters!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


So yesterday was Stewart and I's 7 year anniversary. I can't even believe it has been that long. I love that man more and more every single day. I am truly blessed to have a husband like him.

Nobody tells you how hard the first couple years of marriage can be. For us they were a huge time of growing, getting to know each other in a more personal way, and learning to live with the things about each other that just seriously got on our nerves. It was tough...Im not going to lie. I think most couples go through something like that when they are first married and just don't talk about it. Some of course don't, but we sure did. Praise the Lord we worked through our differences and idiosyncrasies and are now closer than ever before. Marriage is truly an amazing work in progress.

For our 7 year anniversary I had envisioned going out to a romantic dinner together and then doing whatever else we thought would be fun afterward. Well, with being on this precautionary bed rest thing I didn't know what the evening would entail. I had already had a blood pressure check in the morning and was told that the resting thing was working and to keep it up. So, that didn't leave much that we could do.

Well, Stew decided that it would be okay if we went out to eat locally in Owasso, instead of going to T-town. We checked my blood pressure before we left and it was normal, so we went to Olive Garden and had dinner. It was delish and I even got a piece of Pumpkin Cheesecake to take home. FALL in your mouth!!!!! We went back home and I assumed my potato position on the couch and we commenced to watching our Monday night shows. We LOVE Castle!!

Overall, we had a wonderful anniversary. Different than I may have imagined it would be and definitely different from our normal anniversary routine, but full of love for one another and our sweet unborn baby girl. We absolutely can't wait until she is here! I can't wait to spend many, many more anniversaries together and next year with our baby girl!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

36 weeks and counting...

So, this last week has been a bit more eventful then I had planned for. After going to my routine appointment on Thurs. the Dr. gave me orders to become a couch potato. With a slight rise in blood pressure and a bad family history of pre-eclampsia I was given the dreaded bed rest order. It's been a little depressing sitting/laying down almost constantly, but Kinsleigh is so worth it!

My sister came to spend some time with me and do some grocery shopping, cleaning, etc. that I had not been able to get to. She gets my insane OCD tendencies. What a blessing she is!!! She has battled this twice before with both of her pregnancies so she totally GETS it!

She brought me her blood pressure machine and I have been taking it every couple of hours. It seems to have gone done and only moderately spiked a few times. So...I guess this resting thing is working.

On a different note...the weather is absolutely fabulous. It's definitely wonderfully crisp outside making me want to sit with a hot cup of coffee or tea in front of my chiminea. FALL is finally HERE!!!! I love it and I also love that I will be having our baby in my favorite season. Love, love, love it!

Kinsleigh...your mommy can't wait to see and snuggle you!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

October where are you????

So, today I've been really uncomfortable. Little sassy pants has "dropped" making it hard to sit up straight, walk, etc.!:) Then you mix the swelling feet and hands and it makes for a fabulous day! But, I can honestly say that it is totally worth it! I never thought I would even get to experience these amazing (yes I said amazing) "symptoms". I can't wait to hold my precious baby girl and every ache and pain I experience brings me one step closer to that wonderful moment.
Here's to five more weeks (give or take) of aches and pains. Kinsleigh, your mommy and daddy can't wait to hold you and kiss your sweet cheeks!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Welcome to the Bloggy World...

So, I decided to jump on the band wagon and start a blog. With the upcoming arrival of our little miracle I thought what better time!! Hopefully, I can use it to update friends and family with pictures, info, etc. of our sweet baby girl!
I am probably going to be VERY slow at learning this process so bear with me (those followers if any who choose to read about my life!:)
On another note...Fall is in the air and I couldn't be happier!!! The decor is up around the house and all I have left to do is hang the wreath, put my scarecrow up, and purchase pumpkins for the outside. I LOVE FALL!!! It seriously makes me ridiculously giddy!
Later, I will post pics of the beautifulness ( I don't even think if that is a real word) of my house that now exudes FALL! Love it!!!
I hope everyone has a fabulous rest of their day!