First of all, Kinsleigh is GROWING!!! She is getting so big and growing so fast. I wish I could make time stand still for a little while. I know that I am going to look back at these days and want each moment back to experience again. There is literally NOTHING like the smell of her sweet hair, her soft cheeks, her smiles, the way she grabs my finger just to hold it, her cuddles...I could just go on and on. She has literally changed Stewart and my life and we can't imagine how life was without her.
What's been on my mind lately...
Motherhood is such a beautiful thing, but I don't think I fully understood or realized how hard it was going to be. I knew there were going to be some tiring days ahead, but I had no idea the sheer exhaustion that would accompany this amazing new member of our family. I have NEVER been more exhausted in my entire life. The sleepless nights, the constant worries "Is she okay", the seemingly never ending feeding schedule, etc. I don't think anyone can truly understand the intensity of it until they are smack dab in the thick of the experience. But... I have to say it is truly worth it. We prayed for so long for the blessing of this sweet baby and I would do ANYTHING for her. The love I have for her is overwhelming. It is truly unlike anything I have ever experienced! She is such a beautiful blessing from the Lord and He is constantly teaching me things about myself through her.
About Miss K...
Kinsleigh is definitely changing daily. She has both her Daddy and me wrapped around her little finger. It is amazing to watch a baby grow and develop right before your eyes! Here is an overview of what she is doing right now:
1. She is almost 4 mons (on the 20th)
2. She is trying to laugh. We have gotten a few out of her and they were the sweetest things that I have ever heard!:)
3. She can roll onto her side.
4. She reaches out and grasps toys, hands, your shirt, etc.
5. She unfortunately is beginning to teeth. I hate this for her and we have suffered some unfortunate sleepless nights already.
6. Speaking of sleep...she started sleeping through the night at 5 1/2 weeks but now she is starting to wake up a few times ( teething is the culprit or a growth spurt we think). She usually is able to go back to sleep fairly quickly thank goodness.
7. She is already easing her way into 6 month clothes. She is a long lady at almost 26 inches. We don't know her weight but if I were to guess she would be about 15ish pounds. We go to her 4 month appt. in a couple of weeks and we will find out then.
8. She smiles ALL THE TIME! She is a very happy girl for most of the day. She does get a little cranky in the evening when she is tired (but who doesn't do that:)
9. She holds her head up very well now and can sit in her Bumbo like a big girl.
That is a quick recap! I hope everyone is staying warm in this crazy weather. We have had an insane amount of snow these last 2 weeks. I can't wait for SPRING!
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