Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

October where are you????

So, today I've been really uncomfortable. Little sassy pants has "dropped" making it hard to sit up straight, walk, etc.!:) Then you mix the swelling feet and hands and it makes for a fabulous day! But, I can honestly say that it is totally worth it! I never thought I would even get to experience these amazing (yes I said amazing) "symptoms". I can't wait to hold my precious baby girl and every ache and pain I experience brings me one step closer to that wonderful moment.
Here's to five more weeks (give or take) of aches and pains. Kinsleigh, your mommy and daddy can't wait to hold you and kiss your sweet cheeks!


  1. Hi Ashley! You are going to be such a great mom! Can't wait to Miss Kinsleigh gets here!

  2. I LOVE your "about me" section. High strung, high stressed, worry wort....check check check! You're hilarious, Ashley, and I look forward to reading your blog! Yay for new bloggers!!!! And I love your background! So pretty!
