The musings of a Mommy...
Many a night lately, after I have put Kinsleigh to bed and I am picking up her toys for the final time for that day I tend to get an overwhelming feeling of sadness when I see her toys laying in the same spot where she last left them during her playtime. It's like I don't want to move them because she put them there.
This Mommy thing is turning me into a sap!:) It's going by so fast and I don't want to miss a single moment. Like where she left her toys. It won't be long before she won't even be playing with those same toys and I won't see them lying out strewn across the floor (slowly driving me crazy!:)
Im so in love with this child. I miss her every moment when she is not with me (and those moments are only when she is asleep!:) She has stolen my heart and Im not sure she will ever know the love I have for her. My heart is truly overflowing.
We are truly blessed to have been given this amazing miracle of a child. I will forever cherish the little things...like her toys laying on the living room floor just where she left them.