Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 6, 2011's been awhile...

WARNING....This will be a LONG post. If you do not wish to read it I totally understand!:)

Well, the last time I posted I was still enormously pregnant on bed rest and anxiously awaiting Miss K's arrival. Oh how things have changed!!! As many of you know we had her in October. I wanted to chronicle the experience on this blog so that I could look back later and remember.
Here's the story...
The problems with my blood pressure being elevated had me going to the Dr. every few days. This was fun!:) They kept checking everything and I was not progressing to begin any stage of labor. The Dr. said a few times "This baby is getting big!" Well, I didn't think much about it because they are supposed to be big the week of your due date!:) Finally, the Monday before I was due (due date was the 23rd) the Dr. ordered an ultrasound. Low and behold the child was measuring OFF THE CHARTS big and she was breech which explained everything, as well as shot my dream of having a natural childbirth (assisted with an epidural of course). I was severely disappointed about this but at that point I was very ready for her to be here.
We scheduled the c-section for the 20th which was that Wed. Tuesday, Stewart and I finished getting everything ready for her arrival, he squared things away at work, and we ate a big fatty dinner at Cracker Barrel because I couldn't eat/drink anything past midnight. The hardest part about not eating/drinking was the fact that I was ADDICTED to ice water. Like craved it beyond anything and literally drank gallons a day. I WAS DYING by 1 a.m in the morning. Needless to say we both didn't sleep well.
Wednesday morning we got ready, took a few last pics, packed up the car, and headed to the hospital in Tulsa. At the hospital my mama was waiting on us and my sister got there a little after. My poor Daddy couldn't come because he was on call for work. So, so sad. Stew's mom was on her way as well.
They got me ready, started an i.v., listened to baby, and did all of the paperwork and such that one must do to have a was alot!:) By this time, the thought of ice water literally made me want to cry! My sis got me 2 cups and I swished with water from one and spit it out in the other. I WAS DESPERATE!
Finally, they brought me back into the c-section room and began the process. For everyone who knows me knows that this was a little surreal for me since I used to work in surgery everyday as a Certified Surgical Tech. Because of this I knew exactly what was going on and it made me even more nervous. To make a long story short I received a spinal (OUCH), they got me ready for surgery, my Dr. came in and started the surgery, and Stew was then able to join me. In mins flat after almost literally pulling me off the table to get her out (the Dr. even made the incision longer to more efficiently pull her out) I heard her cry for the first time. She was whisked away with the nurses with her Daddy by her side. 9lbs. 7oz. and 21 inches long! He brought her to me a few mins later and I was able to give her a kiss while the Dr. was still cleaning and sewing me up. I remember her little chubby cheekies peeking out from the swaddle blanket. Precious! Then, my sweet hubby and baby girl left for the nursery. I was alone with the crew until they took me to recovery where my sister was there and my mom not long after. I was really loopy at this point with pain meds and such but I vividly remember the nurse allowing my sister to feed me ice chips. I ate THREE cups in a VERY short amount of time. My sister even put a little water in it and I drank it. I was in heaven!!!!
The plan was for them to clean Sassy Pants up and do vitals and such and bring her back to me with her Daddy. Well, that didn't happen. Stew came back in briefly to tell me that Kinsleigh's blood sugar was low and they were trying to bring it up. She was born a little before ten in the morning and I didn't get to see her, hold her or touch her again until late that afternoon. Tore me apart! My mom, sister, and mother-in-law took turns sitting with my doped up self in recovery and then when they moved me to my room. I got to see her through the window of the nursery as they wheeled me by in my bed. This aspect of the whole day was so disappointing and sad. Im actually tearing up as I write this. I missed a lot that first day, but luckily Kinsleigh had her sweet Daddy with her the whole time.
I FINALLY got to hold her I think around 4ish that afternoon. Her sweet chubby cheeks were absolutely adorable and I was in love!:) Unfortunately, the next 12 hours or so were filled with worry as we still tried to get her blood sugar up. They let her stay with us in our room but we had to feed her every 2 hours with a supplementary nursing system of formula used while simultaneously breast feeding. They would then prick her tiny heal AGAIN and check her blood sugar. It was a hard, very long night. But it finally came back up!!!
We only stayed two nights (three nights are the usual for a c-section) and went home on Friday afternoon. Poor Stew was more than ready and was happy the Dr. gave us the option. He was about to crawl the walls. Those first nights, days, weeks, at home were stressful to say the least!:) Recovering from a c-section is for the birds!! I really wish I had not had to have one. I feel like I missed out on so much and it truly is MAJOR surgery. But, I guess the important thing is she was delivered safe and sound and was a healthy baby other than the brief blood sugar problem. Im thankful that the Lord has given us the knowledge to do surgeries like that or I don't know where we would be.
Life with Miss Kinsleigh is exhausting, rewarding, and the most amazing blessing Stewart and I could have ever been given. The fact that God blessed us with her after the fertility issues we endured is truly a miracle we do not take lightly. She is a true gift from God and I try and cherish every second with her. It goes by way to fast. I can't believe she is already 11 weeks old as I write this post. Time flies when your changing diapers!!!:)
The responsibility of a child is truly a big one. I pray that Stewart and I will train her up in the way of the Lord in a Christ centered home, and that she sees and understands the love of her heavenly Father. I love her more than words could ever express and look forward to the amazing future God has planned for our little family. God is truly amazing!
That has caught you up on my life in a nutshell. Im going to be better at this blog thing again because I truly enjoy it! I love all you fellow blogsters! Have a blessed day!